What is The WebAlias Network?
The Basics
a. What
is a WebAlias?
b. Why
should I get a free WebAlias?
c. How
is a WebAlias better than other URL redirection alternatives?
d. Can
I get a WebAlias for a commerical/business website?
e. I like
my website's address so why do I need a WebAlias?
f. Can
I have more than one WebAlias for a single website?
g. Why
would I want more than one WebAlias?
h. Why
is my WebAlias completely free (in other words, is there really no "catch")?
i. How
long can I keep my WebAlias?
j. How
do people use my WebAlias to get to my website?
k. How
can a WebAlias help my non-United States website?
l. What
are the best ways to promote my WebAlias?
Selecting a WebAlias
a. Can I choose anything I
want as my WebAlias?
b. How long does it take for
my WebAlias to become active?
c. What characters can I use
in my WebAlias?
d. Is my WebAlias case-sensitive?
e.What if people don't use
the exact punctuation and spacing in my WebAlias?
f. Is there anything else
I should know about choosing a WebAlias?
Information About You and Your Website
a. Why do you ask for my email
b. What if I give you
a phony email address?
c. Why do you suggest I include
a description of my website?
d. Why do I need to tell you
what topics my website focuses on?
e. I've forgotten my WebAlias
account password - what should I do?
Hiding Your Website's Address with Frames
a. Why would I want to hide
my website's address?
b. What are the side-effects
of using frames to hide my website's address?
c. What are the limitations
of using frames to hide my website's address?
d. What happens with browsers
that don't support frames?
Access Restrictions
a. What can I do with my WebAlias
access restrictions?
b. How do I get the most out
of access restrictions?
c. How do I change/add/remove
my WebAlias access restrictions?
d. How long does it take for
changes to take effect?
e. What are the reasons NOT
to use access restrictions?
Free Advertising for your WebAlias
a. How does the WebAlias free
advertising program work?
b. Free advertising sounds
too good to be true - is there really NO catch?
c. What will my banner ad
look like?
d. Can I create my own banner
ad and give it to you to run?
e. What do you suggest I use
as my advertising text?
f. What restrictions are there
on my free advertising?
g. What if I don't want you
to advertise my WebAlias?
The WebAlias Network Search Engine and Directory
a. How does the WebAlias search
engine work?
b. How can I make my searches
most effective?
c. How can I maximize the
chances that my WebAlias will come up in other people's searches?
Custom Graphics
a. How can I get free custom
graphics for my website?
b. Do I have to include your
custom graphics on my website?
c. Can I control the appearance
of the custom graphics you create for me?
Updating WebAlias Network Account Information
a. How do I change the website
accessed via my WebAlias?
b. What if I want to change
my WebAlias or any other account information?
c. How long does it take for
changes to take effect?
d. How do I delete my
WebAlias account?
WebAlias Usage Statistics
a. General Information regarding
WebAlias usage statistics
b. How accurate are the
usage statistics?
c. What does the "IP of Visitor"
field mean?
Special Services for Commerical
a. How can a WebAlias enhance
my commercial website?
b. What's the easiest way
for me to register multiple WebAliases for my commercial website?
Coming Soon!
a. Customize the free banner
ads for your WebAlias
b. Directly enter your
WebAlias into web browsers
c. Special listing of high traffic
member sites
d. Enhanced system for free
custom graphics
e. Near-miss WebAlias recognition
f. Suggest an enhancement