Free Advertising for your WebAlias
a. How does the WebAlias free advertising program
b. Free advertising sounds too good to be true
- is there really NO catch?
c. What will my banner ad look like?
d. Can I create my own banner ad and give it
to you to run?
e. What do you suggest I use as my advertising
f. What restrictions are there on my free advertising?
g. What if I don't want you to advertise my
Free Advertising for your WebAlias
a. How does the WebAlias free
advertising program work?
We believe that when you join The WebAlias Network, we become your
partner working to build as much traffic to your website as possible.
Advertising is a great way to generate traffic, but is usually expensive.
We are now going to change that.
Not only will we
automatically create for you full-size banner ads (using the text you
specify in your WebAlias Network account setup), we will even run those
ads throughout our site - all at absolutely no cost to you! Of course,
if for some reason you'd prefer not to participate, you have that option.
This is how it works:
several times a day, our free advertising system randomly selects a
large group of member sites, generates full-size, professional-quality,
animated banner ads for each and places them into the advertising rotation
on our website, right next to our paying advertisers. When somebody
clicks on your ad, we send them to your website - what could be better?
Please be advised
that the system will not select your WebAlias if you have access restrictions
in effect at that time.
Free advertising sounds too good to be true - is there really NO catch?
There are no hidden fees, membership charges or add-on fees. And because
this is NOT an ad exchange, there is nothing you need to do in return
for the advertising.
What will my banner ad look like?
We have many, many unique ads that our system can use for your WebAlias.
All are full-sized (468x60 pixels), professional-quality, and animated.
To see some actual
ads we have created and displayed for members, click here.
Can I create my own banner ad and give it to you to run?
Unfortunately, no. Although we would like to offer that option right
now, we cannot - at least not yet. One reason for this is that we simply
don't have the facilities to store a banner ad for each and every member
of The WebAlias Network. Another reason is that we need to be certain
that every ad is of the highest quality, so we simply create them for
What do you suggest I use as my advertising text?
Welcome to Madison Avenue! Writing good advertising copy (the term for
this text) is not simple, so you should think carefully about it. What
you're striving for is text that catches the viewer's interest and draws
him/her to click on your ad. Keep your words and your message truthful,
clear, brief and easy to read and understand.
What restrictions are there on my free advertising?
Even though we do not charge you for this advertising, we do expect
you to participate in a professional and responsible manner. Because
your banner ad will be part of a rotation that includes those of paid
sponsoring advertisers, if your ad is inappropriate, it will reflect
poorly on us as well as on those other advertisers - something we cannot
1. DO NOT use vulgar, obscene or inappropriate language! Our staff
reviews all the text before the our system generates its banner ads,
and any ad we deem unsuitable or unprofessional will not be created.
You also risk deletion of your WebAlias if you blatantly disregard this
2. We will not run ads promoting adult-oriented content, illegal or
inappropriate activities or any other subject matter that we deem unsuitable
for viewing by all visitors to our website.
What if I don't want you to advertise my WebAlias?
If you don't want our system to generate and run free banner ads for
your WebAlias, simply leave the two lines in your account information
regarding advertising text blank.
Any time you want
to participate, simply update your account information and include the
desired text in those two lines.