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WebAlias Frequently Asked Questions
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3. Selecting a WebAlias
a. Can I choose anything I want as my WebAlias?
b. How long does it take for my WebAlias to become active?
c. What characters can I use in my WebAlias?
d. Is my WebAlias case-sensitive?
e.What if people don't use the exact punctuation and spacing in my WebAlias?
f. Is there anything else I should know about choosing a WebAlias?

3. Selecting a WebAlias
a. Can I choose anything I want as my WebAlias?
As long as it has not already been issued, you can use just about any WebAlias you can think of, provided, of course, that you're mindful of things like good taste, trademarks and copyrights, and legal boundaries.

b. How long does it take for my WebAlias to become active?
Your WebAlias will be ready to use as soon as you complete the registration

c. What characters can I use in my WebAlias?
Your WebAlias can contain letters, numbers, blank spaces and punctuation marks. We require that your WebAlias contain at least 4 letters and numbers.

d. Is my WebAlias case-sensitive?
No. We have designed your WebAlias to be everything an ordinary internet address typically isn't. So, if your WebAlias were The Widget Supreme, people could type The WIDGet SUPReme (or any combination of upper and lower case) without any problem.

e. What if people don't use the exact punctuation and spacing in my WebAlias?
We allow your WebAlias to include punctuation and spacing for maximum readability. However, only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers) really matter. So, if your WebAlias were The Widget Supreme, people could type thewidgetsupreme or even the wid-get! supreme without any problem. In other words, as long as people get all the letters and numbers of your WebAlias in the right order, they will have no problem.

Your WebAlias is so powerful that people can even misspell it and still reach you thanks to our exclusive "near miss" technology.

f. Is there anything else I should know about choosing a WebAlias?
Yes! To make your WebAlias even more easy to use, if your WebAlias starts with the word 'The', such The Widget Supreme, people can omit the initial 'The', and use Widget Supreme without any problem.

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