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Welcome to The WebAlias Network Directory

Browsing ARTS:Criticism, 250 WebAlias Network sites found:


1.  Pious Lies told by the Roman Catholic Church (http://learn.to/piouslies)
Pious LIES of Roman Catholic Church EXPOSED. The Roman Catholic Church told the pious lies about God, our Lord Jesus Christ, Mary, and Saints.
2.  TI-82Games (http://browser.to/TI82Games)
The TI-82 Land has TI-82 Games all over!! Basic, Assembly, and Text, biggest TI-82 Games site ever!
3.  www.2Get A Life.com!!! (http://got.to/getalife.com)
places for people to go (for those who don't have a life!)
5.  This is the Official Website of the TROJAN BEEF (http://TrojanBeef.radpages.com)
It is a site where everyone can lend any thoughts or ideas that they might have. There ideas are posted in the idea forum for the entire world to see.
6.  FROM A PLANET CALLED SARCASM (http://sarcatrist.veryweird.com)
It is a site where there is a lot of sarcasm available for free to shower it on any one
7.  Don Victor Sanchez Aramburu, Presidente Mpal de Leon. (http://remember.to/don.victorsanchezaramburu)
Llegan villistas a Leon; Un dia de abril de 1915.
8.  evil roses (http://got.to/evil_roses)
blah blah...my demented site!
9.  Arabic Magazines (http://way.to/magazine)
Arab & Arabic Magazine Directory: Your ultimate source for Arabic magazines and newspapers in the Arab World. Arabic Magazines from UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Sadia Arabia, Qatar, Oman, yemen, jordan, lebanon, syria....
10.  StefWeb (http://StefWeb.veryweird.com)
Very weird stuff in Dutch about music, beer and philosophy

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